Our homes are one of our most prized possessions, and they are certainly one of our most costly expenses. It’s understandable why we want to protect them, and your property’s borders are they key to that. Easy access points, holes and short fences makes the job easier for unwanted visitors, which is why it’s important that you choose the right fencing. There are plenty of ways you can achieve secure fencing, and there’s a whole range of accessories to make this a lot easier.
Use Security Fence Guards for Secure Fencing
Security fence guards are a great addition to the common garden fence. Not only do they add extra security to your home, but they’re also quite stylish too! Made from plastic, simply slide them on top of your fence panels. Their spikey appearance makes trespassing on to your property look much more intimidating to potential intruders, and your fence is much harder to climb too. They come in a range of colours including black, brown and green so they suit every garden. Besides the security element, security fence guards are also great for adding extra decoration to your fence panels. Find your current ones a bit boring? Simple adding this accessory not only makes your fence less dull but can also make it look more expensive! Pair that with the added security and it’s a win win.
Use Trellis
Using trellis is another great way to protect your property. As well as being able to extend the height of your current fence, making it harder to climb, trellis can be great for growing plants up too. How is this relevant to security? Thorny plants growing up your trellis are certainly going to be off putting to anyone tempted to try and scale your fence. Nobody is going to make a quick, smooth getaway over a fence laced with thorns. These plants, although they seem vicious, can also be very beautiful – who knew a rose and some trellis could deter thieves!?
Keep Fences High At The Rear and Short At The Front
As per Staffordshire Police’s official advice, all fencing around your back garden should be 1.8m high or over. Having higher fences is a great deterrent. Essentially, like the other methods mentioned, it makes it harder for criminals to climb your fence. High fences paired with trellis, spikey plants and security guards are a recipe for success, so why shouldn’t this be done in the front garden as well? Well, you don’t want to give the criminal anywhere to hide. Most people’s front garden is more exposed than their rear garden. It may be on a busy street in the plain view of neighbours and passers-by. This itself is a hinderance to burglars, and so will make them less likely to target your house. If you have high fences in your front garden, however, you’re providing a hiding spot for thieves. Keep them short in the front garden as an extra deterrent!
There’s three top tips for using fencing to secure your property! With our sturdy fence panels you can have peace of mind that your garden is secure and safe, especially if you take the extra precautions mentioned. All products mentioned can be found on our website, or you can message us on social media for more help!